Wednesday, 11 August 2010

The Book, The Pizza And Me

Clifton Bookclub

I know what you're all thinking. These new experiences aren't challenging enough. So, before the complaints start snowballing I figure I'm going to have to do something to remedy this. Baby steps though eh?

For those of you who don't know this about me, I don't read a hell of a lot, with the exception of the nutritional information on chocolate bars and that's far from riveting (can be a shocker sometimes though). I'm more of a picture person :) I found a book club on Gumtree and, again, sent a query on it's merry way through cyberspace. I was invited to join the Facebook group of the Clifton Bookclub, my first bookclub read being The Tent, The Bucket And Me by Emma Kennedy. It took only a few days to read it and I was entertained, proud (to have read a whole book in less than a year) and excited at meeting new people.

I took myself along to my first meeting with the club, to a pizzeria where I met 8 other ladies. Surprisingly the book took up about an eighth of the talktime with the conversation moving onto jobs, pastimes, other favourite books, weddings - one of the members is due to be married soon...isn't everyone these days?...or is it my age?....anyway I digress. Despite (and perhaps because of) the relaxed bookiness the evening was really enjoyable. The pizza was a bit bland but hey, you can't have everything.

The next book on the list is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts which I expect, judging by what I've been told, is going to be a bigger challenge to read within a month. Well, as I said, baby steps but I am working on a more daring venture, I promise!!/group.php?gid=292250174747&ref=ts
Image courtesy of Ebury Publishing

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