Wills Memorial Building Tour
I walk past this majestic tower every day and guilty, as we
all are, of never looking up in my daily meander I never really SEE it. So when I spotted a sign advertising a tour I
thought, “today’s the day!”
I booked for a Saturday afternoon and begged the sungod to
smile on me having heard that on a clear day you can see all the way to Wales
(or maybe it was Wells, I’m still finding my way through the strongest of
Bristol accents). Sure enough the sun
shone brightly and the view was splendid.
But first there’s a challenge, you don’t just get fantastic panoramic
views handed to you on a silver platter you know. No, you have to climb for them 215 feet above
street level. But fear not, for modern
man has invented a magical soaring machine which transcends you to the 5th
floor where a mere 205 steps await you.
Easy peasy.
But first we’ll begin on the ground. On arriving at the tower, where the students
gather to plot their Jägerbomb foraging excursions, I was met with a chap called Dave who
runs the tours. Standing on the original
stone slabs and looking up at a spectacular sight of gothic architecture, he
summarised the history of the tower in an interesting monologue taking us from it’s
commissioning in 1912, through it’s opening in 1925, it’s survival of two world
wars and right up to it’s present day status as the third highest structure in
We said goodbye to George and ascended the winding staircase further to the very top of the tower, where a dizzying view opened up before us and, I’m relieved to say, the sungod answered my plea. A stunning sunny 360 degree view of Bristol certainly brought the wow factor to my Saturday afternoon and made the ascension of the tower so worth it.
tour costs just £4 per person (£3 for seniors and students, free to children
aged 8 – 11) and part of the fee goes towards funding Wallace &
Gromit’s Grand Appeal. A bit of
exercise, a history lesson and funding a good cause – that's a Saturday avo well
Images: Sinead Millea & http://www.flickr.com/photos/17251154@N00/